Joe Buck is as bad at hosting Jeopardy as he is at sports broadcasting.
It seems like everyday there’s a new thing that Joe Buck is doing to annoy fans. And it’s across multiple sports and multiple teams. No one is safe from Buck and now the entertainment world has joined the anti-Buck bandwagon.
The sportscaster appeared as the guest host for the hit trivia show Jeopardy! this weelk. He along with the likes of Aaron Rodgers, Dr. Oz and Meredith Vieira have all had their turn hosting since the passing of long-time beloved host, Alex Trebek.
But Buck’s appearance hasn’t been the glowing reception he probably thought he would get and former contestants even took aim at Buck.
Joe Buck was the Jeopardy guest host and it did not go well
Twitter did what they did best and voiced their opinions on Buck’s first day.
Also, I have no idea who Joe Buck is, but he's annoying me as the guest host.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) August 9, 2021
Jeopardy goes from LeVar Burton and David Faber to Joe Buck.
— Keith England (@Keith_England) August 9, 2021
Jeopardy producers:
With his Jeopardy appearance, Joe Buck is only calling NHL games away from ruining everything I love.
— Rick Monti (@Aldo_Monti) August 9, 2021
Me every time I hear about Joe Buck
— Pedro The Flamingo 🦩☁️🎉🍥 (@FlameoFlamingo) August 9, 2021
"...and the guest host of Jeopardy, Joe Buck!"
— CDP 🐗⚾👏 (@cdpayne79) August 9, 2021
I just remembered Joe Buck is hosting #Jeopardy this week. Ugh.
— Laura Tortella 🎤 (@LauraTortella) August 9, 2021
Dave reacting to turning on Jeopardy and seeing Joe Buck is the host -
— Let the Right Robyn (@RobynsReviews) August 9, 2021
JOE BUCK! SERIOUSLY?!!!! I can’t watch Jeopardy until this is over.
— Sturdy JennX (The Next Jenneration) (@nogooddeed2) August 9, 2021
I hate Joe Buck
— jenna marie 👑🌐 (@nothingswrongjj) August 9, 2021