A major technical glitch took down the payment systems at Allegiant Stadium in the middle of WWE SummerSlam 2021 leaving fans without beer and food.
There was chaos at WWE SummerSlam when a major technical glitch resulted in the payment systems at the all-digital Allegiant Stadium going out.
That meant no beer or food sales for the fans on hand. And they were not happy about that.
#allegiantstadium #wwe sucks. I spent $500 on Tix and bought a ton of merch only for their systems to go down during the #SummerSlam ppv and now I can't buy a beer or popcorn and have a couple hours left of this garbage ppv. #whereis #sashabanks. #disappointed
— Daniel Rivera (@DanThaMan18) August 22, 2021
All of @AllegiantStadm credit card machines go down while #SummerSlam is going on. 😡How sad I really need a beer in section #438 😢
— DarthWashington99♐ (@KyleWashington1) August 22, 2021
Imagine that.
— The Magnificent Mongo Slade, BS, MPA (@MongoSlade8) August 22, 2021
WWE pulls some horseshit.
All you want is a beer to wash the shit outta your mouth
And now the concession stands are down.
This shit is snakebit. #SUMMERSLAM
A Major @WWE PPV being hosted in Las Vegas and there is Zero beer sales due to Allegant Stadium being cashless and the internet being down.
— Super Beaner (@SuperBeaner) August 22, 2021
Yes folks, sober Wrestling fans in Las Vegas at #SummerSlam
Concessions went down at SummerSlam 2021
Organizers of the event seemed to recognize the major problem they had on their hands. So they actually started giving out food and drinks for free, according to some at the event.
What a mess.
It seems like a major flaw in the system at Allegiant Stadium to not have some sort of backup plan for when there are technical problems. Cash may not be an ideal way to do concessions, but it’s reliable at least.