
Refs screwed Chargers by giving Micah Parsons his first career sack (Video)

Los Angeles Chargers quarterback Justin Herbert. (Orlando Ramirez-USA TODAY Sports)
Los Angeles Chargers quarterback Justin Herbert. (Orlando Ramirez-USA TODAY Sports)

The referees in the game between the Los Angeles Chargers and Dallas Cowboys got a call horribly wrong by awarding Micah Parsons his first career sack.

The Chargers fell to the Cowboys on Sunday and they have the referees to blame for it.

Late in the game with LA at the goal one and looking for a go-ahead touchdown, the officials ruled that Micah Parsons sacked Justin Herbert on a play that pretty clearly wasn’t a sack.

The refs screwed the Chargers on Micah Parson’s “sack”

The video pretty clearly shows Herbert got the ball away before he was down.

Parsons got to celebrate his first career sack while the Chargers were pushed back 18 yards. Instead of third-and-goal at the seven-yard line, they faced third-and-goal from the 25. The difference in that scenario is huge.

Los Angeles got 14 yards on the next play but had to settle for a game-tying field goal.

The Cowboys got the ball back and drove down the field for a field goal with no time remaining, winning 20-17.

Dallas might have won the game either way. The Chargers might not have scored a touchdown in the end. However, the last thing anyone wanted to see was a bad call like that potentially change the ending.

LA never got to prove what they would or wouldn’t have done. The Cowboys defense didn’t get to make the real play to set their offense up to win. And Dak Prescott wasn’t presented with a scenario where he had to go for the touchdown.