Every NBA team’s biggest question mark for the 2021-22 season

Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images
Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images /
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Kawhi Leonard, LA Clippers
Photo by Alex Goodlett/Getty Images /

LA Clippers: Will Kawhi Leonard return for the playoffs?

It’s hard to envision the Clippers as anything more than an average Western Conference team without the services of Kawhi Leonard. The team’s brightest star will definitely miss the majority of the regular season, but there’s already conjecture coming out of Los Angeles that his rehabilitation might be ahead of schedule.

If Leonard can return to practice in March or April, there’s a reasonable chance he can be up to something resembling 100 percent by the time the postseason arrives. That means the Clippers just need to qualify for the postseason to give Leonard a chance to transform them into title contenders.

Admittedly, the more prudent course of action for LA officials would be to give Leonard the entire season off. Rushing him back to action could have a negative impact on his future play for the franchise. This is an important year of Leonard’s prime, but he still has more chances left to play like an All-NBA star.

Conservative isn’t exactly a word that describes the Steve Ballmer regime though. Look for Leonard to get a shot in the postseason if doctors believe it won’t harm him in the long haul.