Late Show shares epic troll job of Kyrie Irving with new NBA 2k commercial

Photo by Alex Goodlett/Getty Images
Photo by Alex Goodlett/Getty Images

The late show circuit strikes again, with ‘The Late Show with Stephen Colbert’ being the latest to chime in on the Kyrie Irving anti-vaccination saga.

Everyone in the NBA world has been having fun at Kyrie Irving’s expense — an expense that amounts to an estimated $186 million since Irving lost out on a Nets extension.

Lately, the late show circuit has been circulating takes on the Irving saga as the Nets point guard continues to refuse the Nets’ COVID-19 vaccine mandate and sit out the NBA season.

After SNL trolled Irving with an Ellen-style vaccine sneak attack, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert shared their own take on how NBA fans could engage with the sidelined Irving.

Irving may not be available to watch on the court, but NBA 2K fans could play him in the Late Show’s fictional NBA 2K22’s new Unvaccinated Mode. Like the video game franchise’s popular story mode, a player could play as Irving at home, according to the skit.

“He once apologized for saying the Earth was flat,” a news announcer reads at the beginning of the Late Show parody clip. “Now NBA star Kyrie Irving is saying good-bye to about half of his $35 million salary and a shot at a championship because he refuses to get vaccinated.”

Late Show trolls Nets’ Kyrie Irving for vaccine refusal with fictional NBA 2K22 “Unvaccinated Mode”

While there’s no basketball to be had in Unvaccinated Mode, there’s still plenty to do within the confines of Irving’s house.

“Forgo your dream career and stay home all day drinking wine,” the narrator cheerfully advertised.

Users are also challenged to see just how long Irving can binge-watch Netflix as LeBron James’ beloved Squid Game plays on Irving’s television.

Just like the real 2K game series, users can “practice their aim” with a Bathroom Break Minigame.

“And then, when it feels like the walls are closing in, sit on the couch and watch your team win without you!” the narrator read.

“Then more wine, and a solitary swim in your neighbor’s pool contemplating your life choices.”

Irving is likely contemplating those choices now as the entertainment world mocks his decision and his team moves forward without him. At 2-2, the Nets rank eighth in the Eastern Conference as James Harden takes over in Irving’s absence.