The Braves celebrated their World Series title on Friday in Atlanta but the parade bus driver clearly didn’t get how championship parades work.
Atlanta Braves fans have waited nearly three decades to celebrate a World Series victory.
Some of them got about three seconds to enjoy the parade on the streets of Atlanta on Friday.
Seriously, the Braves parade bus came through at a breakneck pace, producing videos you’d expect to see from a Formula 1 circuit, not a championship celebration.
Damn, Atlanta even goes above the speed limit at their parades. #WorldSeries #WorldSeriesParade #Braves #Champs @braves
— Ashley Wall (@ashleyjwall) November 5, 2021
And it wasn’t just the bus. The whole parade was rolling at high speed.
Absolute top speed down Peachtree @Braves
— America’s #1 Rita Drinker James Geeb (@DabPenBellamy) November 5, 2021
Was the Braves parade bus piloted by Sandra Bullock?
The best jokes on Twitter played with the concept behind the movie “Speed” wherein Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves have to keep a bus going more than 50 miles per hour to prevent it from blowing up.
Speed 3: The Brave Bus Driver
— Kenbucks (he/him) (@twitch_u_r_ken) November 5, 2021
— Donnie Jr. (@Dbrasco37) November 5, 2021
Rumors that Sandra Bullock is driving the @Braves parade bus have yet to be confirmed
— Shawn W (@BiscuitsDad30) November 5, 2021
That parade flew through like they had somewhere to be. Technically they did as there was a celebration planned at Truist Park.
Still, the parade route should have been planned with plenty of time to make it to the park without having to blow by all the Braves fans who turned out on the street to cheer on their Braves’ title winners.
It was worth a few hilarious jokes at least. Just let this be a lesson for all the rest of the teams out there who will celebrate championships this year: Take it slow.