5 NBA legends you forgot played for the Chicago Bulls

Dwyane Wade (3) of Chicago Bulls is seen during the NBA game between Chicago Bulls and Brooklyn Nets at United Center in Chicago, United States on April 12, 2017. (Photo by Bilgin S. Sasmaz/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
Dwyane Wade (3) of Chicago Bulls is seen during the NBA game between Chicago Bulls and Brooklyn Nets at United Center in Chicago, United States on April 12, 2017. (Photo by Bilgin S. Sasmaz/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images) /
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Photo by Andy Lyons/BIG3/Getty Images
Photo by Andy Lyons/BIG3/Getty Images /

3. George Gervin — 1985-86 season

George Gervin was an absolute superstar with the San Antonio Spurs as they transitioned from an ABA team to an NBA team. He led the NBA in scoring four times in his career. He regularly averaged 30 points per game in a season. However, it seemed like his star burned out extremely quickly.

Between the ages of 29 and 30, Gervin’s points per game dropped from 32 to 26. Then they dropped to 21 points per game. Something was likely off, so the Spurs traded him to the Bulls to play with a young Michael Jordan. Jordan reportedly wasn’t happy with the trade, and Gervin ended up falling below his unusually high expectations. He only scored 16 points per game, and the final game of his NBA career actually came in the same game Jordan scored 63 points.

Gervin was actually playing a similar position as Jordan, so it seemed like a weird move to trade for him in the first place. When Jordan broke his foot early in the season, Gervin stepped in as the starter. However, in the playoffs, he was mostly unused.

Gervin’s career would go to Italy for its final few years. His one year in Chicago is largely forgotten because it was his career’s worst. People want to remember Gervin for his dominant scoring seasons. The year in Chicago was pretty bad. The Bulls won 30 games and still somehow made the playoffs. They got destroyed by the Celtics even with Jordan’s 63-point stunner.