Ingenious Mets fan finds creative, yet disgusting new way to eat hot dogs (Video)

New York Mets. (Photo by Dylan Buell/Getty Images)
New York Mets. (Photo by Dylan Buell/Getty Images)

This New York Mets fan channels his inner Frank Reynolds and Rafi from The League when it comes to hot dog storage and consumption.

Not all heroes wear capes. Some stuff hot dogs in the pockets of their black jeans at New York Mets games.

While their friends might want to abandon them so to not look guilty by association, this might be the closest they will ever get to being best friends with Frank Reynolds or Rafi from The League. The only problem with this is random observers could mistake you for being Duncan from under the bridge or Dirty Randy from the local library. Those black jean pockets will be forever unclean.

Real man of genius or not, how else can you store dollar hot dogs to dunk in brewskis at your next New York Yankees game?

New York Mets fan is either a genius or an idiot for creative hot dog storage

Look. Everybody who is cool knows that multiple hot dog consumption is the way to go at the ballpark. Wash these dogs down with some suds alongside a soft pretzel and mini helmet full of soft-serve and there you go, bro! However, you have to be cool in how you procure said hot dogs. You can get two at a time because you have two hands. Do not hoard and embarrass your family.

There is no wrong way to enjoy a hot dog except by putting ketchup on it, you child. If you want to go mustard and onions, leave it plain or go all-out like you are having the time of your life in Chicagoland with sport peppers and all, you can do that. However, you will be judged accordingly if you lather ketchup on that frankfurter. It will be worse than what this guy is receiving on Twitter.

Why put a belt through the loop of your black jeans when you can stuff the pockets with hot dogs?