1. Aaron Rodgers said he played in the NFL while on Percocet
If you’d thought that the admission that he very intentionally used the word “immunized” was going to be the biggest WTF moment, think again.
At about the 39-minute mark of the podcast, Rodgers admitted that, while he was trying to deal with pain, he played an NFL game with the Packers while on painkillers, Percocet specifically.
“It was more for pain management, so I wasn’t taking any high dosage, but stupid, ultimately, Rodgers said. “Here’s the thing: I had knee issues for a long time, and you take anti-inflammatories. You’re taking anti-inflammatories, they all come with a warning: If you take this more than a few weeks, you’ve gotta get your blood tested because it can do damage to your liver. There are so many things you can take now, anti-inflammatory things, that are natural, that don’t cause damage to your body.”
He didn’t go into a ton of detail about the game he played but he did talk about how “ass backwards” he believed the way the NFL treated painkillers and doled them out to players as “treatment” — for which he also used quotations — for injuries and ailments. That has long been a topic in the NFL, and his opinion on the use of that type of medication is shared by many.
With that said, it was shocking, at any dose, to hear that the reigning back-to-back MVP once took the field while being intoxicated on Percocet.