Skip Bayless is known for being critical of LeBron James but sided with the Lakers star over Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s unfair and unwarranted criticism.
Unlike his TV counterpart Shannon Sharpe, Fox Sports 1’s Skip Bayless has been one of the staunchest critics of Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James.
However, Bayless recently chose a different route and defended James after a situation involving former Laker Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who owns the NBA All-Time Scoring record, one James will likely pass this upcoming season.
Kareem has been highly critical of James over the past few years, and James was asked about that after the Lakers’ preseason game against the Kings, to which James replied, “No thoughts, and no relationship.”
On Wednesday’s Undisputed, Bayless sided with James, calling Kareem’s criticism “not fair.”
LeBron says he has "no relationship" with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar:
— UNDISPUTED (@undisputed) October 5, 2022
"I'm on LeBron's side. I don't love the way Kareem has criticized him. It just doesn't seem fair to me." — @RealSkipBayless
Naturally, Twitter, being the “end-all-be-all,” wasn’t exactly siding with Bayless’ change of tone, referencing his constant critiques of James through the years. Then again, that’s Twitter, in a nutshell, spewing venom at every opportunity.
Kareem has been unfair to LeBron James, and it doesn’t take someone like Skip Bayless to tell you that. It almost feels as if Kareem is threatened by James stealing a piece of history that Kareem has owned since 1984.
Skip Bayless defends LeBron James against unfair criticism by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
It does seem rare that Skip Bayless would be one to defend LeBron James, given everything that’s gone down. At the same time, what Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has been doing for the past few years is flat-out disrespectful and, possibly, out of spite and jealousy.
Of course, Kareem doesn’t have to like the fact that he won’t be the All-Time scorer for much longer, and everyone can be a bit selfish. That said, it doesn’t;t warrant cheap shots or disrespectful remarks towards someone who climbed from the gutter like LeBron James to reach the heights he has reached.
Skip Bayless is defending LeBron, and for good reason. It would be wise for Kareem to remove his “hater” mannerisms and appreciate someone who worked for everything he has earned rather than resort to delivering low blows and snide comments.