
Subway Thanksgiving hours: Is Subway open Thanksgiving?

A Subway restaurant. (Syndication: The Indianapolis Star)
A Subway restaurant. (Syndication: The Indianapolis Star)

Will Subway be open on Thanksgiving this year?

Thanksgiving is the time for people to come together over a shared meal and give thanks for all that we have. It’s one of the few holidays of the year that celebrates what one has, and not what one wants. But not all can or choose to celebrate the holiday conventionally.

If you’re someone who has different priorities, or maybe you’re celebrating on a different day due to family obligations, you may look to fill your holiday a bit differently. Maybe you don’t spend all day cooking for just yourself. Maybe you only have a few people to feed. If that’s the case, you may want an alternate option.

That option for some may be Subway. It’s certainly a better and healthier option than deep-fried-something. So if you’re looking at a lowkey Thanksgiving dinner, Subway could fulfill that need, but now you’re left asking; will it even be open?

We have your answer.

Is Subway going to be open on Thanksgiving?

You may not believe this, but Subway isn’t actually closed that often throughout the year. They’ll not only be open Thanksgiving but just about every other holiday, save for Christmas. More than that, they’ll also be open on most days at the regular time.

So if you’re hankering for a meatball sub, you’ll be able to jaunt on over to Subway on Thanksgiving and get something to eat.

Just keep in mind that there exists a possibility that not every Subway will be open. Some may very well be closed depending on location, so it’s always a smart idea to look ahead and check out the hours of operation at your local shop, just in case they’re closed for whatever reason.

If they are closed, you can always stop by somewhere like Denny’s or IHOP.