Does USPS deliver mail on Thanksgiving? [Updated November 2022]

Grumman LLV (Long Life Vehicle) mail trucks parked at the post office in Clairemont. (Photo by Dünzl/ullstein bild via Getty Images)
Grumman LLV (Long Life Vehicle) mail trucks parked at the post office in Clairemont. (Photo by Dünzl/ullstein bild via Getty Images)

Does the USPS deliver mail on Thanksgiving, or will you have to wait a few days for that package or letter you’ve been expecting to receive? 

It’s that time of the year when you can expect all sorts of things to be sent your way, and who doesn’t love a good piece of mail?

Maybe it’s cookies from your grandmother, a card for your birthday or the IRS reminding you that…..never mind, not all mail is good mail. The good stuff, though, is always nice to see in your mailbox but as we know the USPS doesn’t always make the trip out.

Sundays have historically and traditionally always been a day mail isn’t delivered, so we’re used to that as far as a postal routine at this point.

But what about Holiday? More specifically, what about Thanksgiving?

If you’re like me and still waiting on something to be shipped to your home, can you expect that package or letter to arrive on Thanksgiving Thursday?

Does USPS deliver mail on Thanksgiving 2022?

The short answer is no, it won’t arrive. Mail or whatnot, whether it’s coming from the United States Postal Service, FedEx or UPS, will not be shipped or sent to your home on Thanksgiving.

The reason for this is due to Thanksgiving being recognized as a federal holiday, meaning anything that’s government-owned and runs will not be open that day.

So if you were really hoping to get that early Christmas gift, that tin of cookies, a birthday card or something for you and the missus, you’re going to be sorely out of luck on Thursday. Fear not, mail service and shipping services will return to work on Friday to begin the holiday rush. So if you’re shipping something or receiving something, your package and/or item will get where it needs to be, just one day later than you had hoped.