Once again, ESPN’s Adam Schefter faced criticism for his recent coverage of Deshaun Watson in which Schefter describes “signs of progress” for Watson.
For Deshaun Watson, a man who has faced 30 accusations of sexual assault and sexual misconduct, there have been questions about how the NFL and NFLPA planned to rehabilitate Watson during his league-mandated suspension.
As Watson enters Week 12 for his Cleveland Browns debut versus the Houston Texans, ESPN’s Adam Schefter shared a report that, once again, sounded as if it came from one of Watson’s PR reps.
Deshaun Watson has made what NFL and NFLPA experts have described as "signs of progress" during his mandatory treatment program, per sources.https://t.co/7az28z8HrE
— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) December 4, 2022
According to Schefter’s sources, NFL and NFLPA experts claim that they have seen “signs of progress” during Watson’s mandatory treatment program.
Questions abounded about how genuine this development was, especially coming from Schefter, who insinuated that the “truth came out” after Watson’s grand jury verdict earlier this year. Many wondered what “signs of progress” looks like for someone accused of egregious sexual misconduct who continues to deny any wrongdoing.
The first step in any kind of meaningful progress for a sex offender would be admitting what he did. Until he does that, I do not believe he has made progress.
— Michael David Smith (@MichaelDavSmith) December 4, 2022
Sports journalists in Schefter’s replies offered a clinic on how to practice journalism responsibly. “Total fail here,” wrote former AP columnist Tim Dahlberg.
First rule of sourced journalism is anonymous sources must know facts, not offer opinions. Second is reporters should understand when they’re being used for propaganda purposes. Total fail here.
— Tim Dahlberg (@timdahlberg) December 4, 2022
With NBC sportscaster Ben Ross saying that “the quote tweets are worth your time,” a glimpse at how NFL media members and NFL fans are eviscerating Schefter is worth a gander.
Adam Schefter faces backlash for seemingly promoting Deshaun Watson for “signs of progress”
As promised, the quote tweets on Schefter’s report are much less disappointing than Schefter’s wispy shroud of objectivity.
This is embarrassing journalism.
— Julie O'Donoghue (@JSODonoghue) December 4, 2022
Why allow anonymous sources on this? What are NFL and NFLPA experts?
What do they mean by progress???
Spinning the return of a player who faces dozens of allegations of sexual assault as a positive story for the NFL is quite a feat. https://t.co/B4gIyiuLrf
The first step has to be admitting what you did. He didn’t do that. Progress doesn’t exist here https://t.co/isQrFRdA6g
— B.W. Carlin (@BaileyCarlin) December 4, 2022
There is absolutely no evidence presented here if any kind of “signs of progress” and Watson has consistently declined to so much as acknowledge that he has done anything wrong, but hey https://t.co/5IcqeXRbgm
— Chris Towers …Is A Real Boy (@CTowersCBS) December 4, 2022
Schefter is such a pathetic embarrassment to journalism https://t.co/5zzo4sUvKu
— Isaac Chotiner (@IChotiner) December 4, 2022
ah yes, I’m sure his highly confidential treatment is a) real and b) ~helping~ https://t.co/j0Fib8qrAd
— Kayla Pace (@KP_on_TV) December 4, 2022
It’s crazy that in a country full of reporters in meaningful fields who launder things for horrible people, Adam is up there as one of the worst. https://t.co/NXZ6bOsJ2c
— So Sayeth Black Lord: (@jmood88) December 4, 2022
Congrats to Deshaun Watson for not sexually assaulting someone for over three months.
— Tyler Brooke (@TylerDBrooke) December 4, 2022
A real hero. https://t.co/xHc3kmfXlV
Super real treatment program that definitely exists, why are you asking? https://t.co/8hyDrshSC0 pic.twitter.com/HG7sKRNDC4
— The Ball Is Orange (@theballisorange) December 4, 2022
Only in the NFL does “he hasn’t sexually assaulted anyone (that we know of) in the past six months” count as progress. This is an embarrassing story for @AdamSchefter to write and put out today. pic.twitter.com/fywEfnHvV6
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) December 4, 2022
so the program is confidential until the NFL needs their highly paid intern to say something nice about watson pic.twitter.com/esPvjEz9C1
— charles (“you look good” - andy reid) mcdonald (@FourVerts) December 4, 2022
In his quest to become the NFL’s preeminent insider, Adam Schefter has built up and sold his platform to those who wish to get their side of the story out. In addition to implying Watson’s innocence following the grand jury trial, Schefter has also been criticized for his handling of a story concerning a domestic violence allegation against Dalvin Cook in which Schefter shared Cook’s version of events and that alone. Getting exclusive information comes at a price, but the misrepresentation of perspectives and events has cost Schefter his reputation in the eyes of many.
Even though Schefter appear to be bought, no one is buying his reporting on Deshaun Watson.