The Tubi commercial gave Super Bowl fans instant anxiety.
During the commercials during the Super Bowl, an ad for the streaming service Tubi aired a commercial that gave everyone a fright. The ad looked like your channel was off the game and suddenly putting a movie on instead.
Here’s the commercial:
Tubi should be sued for this
— Axel (@axel_halvarson) February 13, 2023
We fell for it too.
Here’s how NLF Twitter reacted:
That Tubi commercial had me looking at my dad like
— RB (@rbhockey6) February 13, 2023
Bruh that Tubi commercial had me TRIPPIN for a sec😭😭😭#SuperBowl
— Nicholas Torres 🍥 (@ntrush10) February 13, 2023
50,000 people just searched for their tv remotes with that #Tubi commercial #SuperBowl 🤣
— Katilyn👌🏼 (@KatilynMiller) February 13, 2023
never been so cheesed by a commercial before. you man arent seeing the lights @tubi
— fbg mike (@painbuiltt) February 13, 2023
when that commercial had me thinking someone switched it to tubi😭 #SuperBowl
— jonny (@jonnyfnn) February 13, 2023
That tubi commercial had my whole family in a disarray
— La Tronko (@tronko_la) February 13, 2023
Old people all around the country when that Tubi commercial came on
— ✈️ (@happyjetsfan_) February 13, 2023
Tubi should be SUED for that commercial
— Rico Bo$co (@Return_Of_RB) February 13, 2023
everybody getting up cause they thought they sat on the remote during that tubi commercial
— gab (@maIditaconeja) February 13, 2023
Half the country just yelled “who the fuck has the remote” at that Super Bowl commercial @Tubi
— jack3149265 (@GoDawgs_12) February 13, 2023
Now I hate Tubi even more, made me scramble to look for my remote. How dare they make me move.
— 100T Nadeshot (@Nadeshot) February 13, 2023
That Tubi commercial came on & I yelled at every single person in this room.
— Joe Santagato (@JoeSantagato) February 13, 2023
Me seeing that Tubi commercial
— Nick Farabaugh (@FarabaughFB) February 13, 2023
I literally took out a gun and shot my grandpa because I thought he changed the channel. Thanks a lot Tubi
— Tommy Smokes (@TomScibelli) February 13, 2023