Twitter reacts to ‘He Gets Us’ commercial during Super Bowl.
There was an uproar even before the ad aired. People wondered how a church, which is meant to be a non-profit, could afford to purchase not one but two expensive Super Bowl commercials.
The “He Gets Us,” campaign is meant to promote Jesus and Christianity and ias part of the group’s $100 million media investment, according to CNN. These ads are part of a much larger blitz which includes billboards, social media, and TV since 2022. Additionally, Ad Age says the backers of this campaign plans to spend $1 billion over the next three years.
The ads, which portray Jesus as “one of us” has been getting a lot of attention. According to the outlet, one video has netted 122 million views on YouTube in 11 months.
Now that sports fans and the like have seen the ads, they took to Twitter to express their conflicting thoughts about it.
Who paid for the “He Gets Us” Super Bowl ads?
According to
"The campaign is being run by something called The Signatry, a Kansas-based Christian foundation that exists, essentially, to connect donors (and their financial advisors) with causes in order to “inspire and facilitate revolutionary, biblical generosity.” According to Ministry Watch, an evangelical watchdog organization that scrutinizes the finances of Christian charities, in 2018, the foundation reported more than $1 billion in contributions. The foundation itself seems to be apolitical and nondenominational."
Here’s what Twitter thought of the religious commercials.
The "he gets us" commercials are brought to you by hobby lobby. GTS
— Robert Widner (@SwartDreams) February 13, 2023
Get that “He gets us” shit outta here! Buncha white folk who want us to act like they didn’t vote for Trump.
— Mos Heft (@JustInNotOut) February 13, 2023
Fuck off!
Beautiful commercial #HeGetsUs
— Mike Peterson (@MikePete312) February 13, 2023
The back-to-back commercials of The Flash and He Gets Us were so cringe and uncomfortable.
— diana martinez (@hidianamartinez) February 13, 2023
He gets us🧐
— SEER Q (@ic2morrowmac) February 13, 2023
Bet that 5million coulda done a lot of good not spent on a superbowl commercial… #HeGetsUs
— Tony Falcone (@TonyJFalcone) February 13, 2023
Sports betting but it’s actually just putting money on which ads are for HeGetsUs dot Com
— Izzi Levy (@chevytothe_levy) February 13, 2023
I wonder how many people the church could have fed or housed with that Super Bowl commercial: "He gets us"
— Veronica Gamez Andrade (@andradeslede) February 13, 2023
🤔 #SuperBowlCommercials