Nick Castellanos has a knack for hitting home runs during the misery of others. He was at it again on Wednesday night.
If a sports journalist has some sort of firable controversy going on, it might be a good idea to see if Philadelphia Phillies outfielder Nick Castellanos is playing so you can mash the live betting option on him hitting a home run. Once was a coincidence, but multiple times? Why do you revel in the misery of others, Mr. Castellanos?!
Or, heck, if anything bad is mentioned during a broadcast and Castellanos is up to bat, this dude is going to rake. There’s a six-minute compilation of his poorly-timed home runs.
This guy is the grim reaper or something. There has to be a nickname out there for him that captures his ability to relish in the worst moments.
The sobering homer?
Distressed success?
Anguishing anvil?
These are all terrible, but I’m sure someone has some good ideas for Castellanos.
Nick Castellanos latest home run came just hours after Marley Rodriguez firing
ESPN’s baseball reporter Marley Rodriguez — well-known for her bilingual ability to connect with most of the league’s players in their native tongue — was fired by the company, reports said on Wednesday night for allegedly calling another reporter a name that we won’t print here. The New York Post had it first and you can read more about the incident there.
Hours later, you betcha! Castellanos hits a dinger. It went to right-center at Citizens Bank Park to give the Phillies a 2-0 lead in the bottom of the first inning.
Philly would end up beating the Seattle Mariners 6-5.
When misery strikes and you hear the crack of a bat, you know who it is. The Curator of Agony! Nah, that’s not good either. Again, someone else please come up with a nickname for him.