The NFL having overtime periods in a meaningless preseason game would be a walking lawsuit.
Could you even imagine how poorly it would go over with the player’s union if the NFL decided preseason games could not end a tie?
Football is a collision sport. It is not if you will get hurt, but a matter of when. In a game with a 100-percent injury rate, it is about making money and memories along the way before you bones disintegrate into little more than dust. So if you cannot get enough of your preseason fix and demand that there be overtime in games that don’t count, go grab and helmet and run out there!
The NFL having overtime in its preseason games would be like microwaving ice cream before eating it. I mean, you can, but only you and God can judge me before I put the spoon into my mouth and start shoveling the sloopy goo I have disgustingly created for myself. Don’t do that!
The NFL is not dumb enough to make its teams play overtime preseason games
Could you imagine how poorly NFL preseason overtime would be received? It would go over about as well as Carson Wentz going big-game hunting for black bears in Alaska. I mean, who cares about having any level of self-awareness? Russell Westbrook will be inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame without ever winning an NBA Finals, or “losing” an interview…
Yes, there are men out there trying to feed their families by playing professional football. Those reps in the fifth quarter in August and Everything After will go a long way towards keeping Mr. Jones out of the XFL. But Round Here, we always stand up straight and leave midway through the third quarter of a preseason game, you know, to beat the traffic to keep from us Hanging Around.
Asking for NFL preseason overtime would be like demanding the HOA install copious amounts of asbestos into the crevices of your house before moving in. We’re here for a good time, not a long time, I suppose… Why bother burning the candle at both ends, when you can cut the thing in half and give yourself the four-wick fire you didn’t know was even possible? Thank God for meatheads!
If you want to play in a preseason overtime game, just remove your helmet and mouthpiece first.