Diamond Sports Group has been bankrupt for quite awhile, and they've even lost some of their Bally Sports channels. This has had major implications on the baseball world, as fans of certain teams have lost the ability to watch their teams on TV. But some good news has recently come out of this development.
On Wednesday, Alden Gonzalez reported that Diamond has made 'substantial progress' towards a deal with Comcast. This development could help get baseball back on the air throughout the United States.
Comcast is Diamond's third largest distributor, and they owned the rights for 12 teams, including the Atlanta Braves and Minnesota Twins. Fans of those teams now have a chance to watch games again.
Braves, Twins fans will be able to watch their teams with new deal
This is big news for Braves and Twins fans, who have been unable to watch their teams recently due to this issue with Diamond and Bally Sports. Fans in those markets didn't have access to the Bally Sports' streaming app as an in-market option, and they also had to contend with blackout restrictions on the MLB.tv app. Fans of teams such as the Detroit Tigers, Kansas City Royals, Miami Marlins, and Tampa Bay Rays also had similar issues, but were able to at least use the Bally Sports app to stream their team's games.
But fans in Atlanta and Minnesota will finally be able to see their teams again soon, and it's a major step forward in the process. Diamond had already secured deals with 10 of their 12 major distributors, but without Comcast, things weren't so simple, and it made emerging from bankruptcy all the more difficult.
This also has major implications on the rest of the sports world. Diamond held the rights for 15 NBA teams and 11 NHL teams prior to the expiration of their contracts. But there is a plan in place to have everything set up before the NHL and NBA seasons start, which means that for the 2025 MLB season, the deal should be in place and fans of certain teams shouldn't have any issue watching their teams.