In the first year of Nike-Fanatics-supplied uniforms, it's safe to say things haven't gone well. From tiny fonts, to absurd sweat stains, to certain uniforms not even being in stock for some teams, it's been an adventure to say the least.
The All-Star Game was an opportunity for them to right the ship at least a little bit. It's safe to say that did not happen.
The SNY Yankees Twitter account shared photos of the apparent American League All-Star Game uniforms, featuring New York outfielder Juan Soto. The design of the jerseys are, interesting, to say the least.
A look at the 2024 MLB All-Star Game jerseys
— Yankees Videos (@snyyankees) July 3, 2024
Big font in the center of the uniform that reads "AMERICAN LEAGUE." The tan/coral color scheme with a hint of sky blue on the sleeves of the jerseys. It certainly was a choice made by MLB to approve such a design.
MLB fans roast atrocious leaked All-Star Game uniforms
MLB fans took to X (or Twitter) to roast this year's leaked All-Star Game uniforms.
Another perfect opportunity to request that MLB goes back to the team uniforms in the All-Star Game.
— Patrick K. Flowers (@PatrickKFlowers) July 3, 2024
Wear these abominations for BP and sell as many as you like, but give us what we want for the game.
There are many tweets similar to this one, suggesting that MLB goes back to what they used to do, having players wear team uniforms instead of whatever these are. Why MLB switched is unclear, but it'd be a whole lot better to see Juan Soto in pinstripes than in these abominations.
could have just stuck with the rangers color scheme
— Keith McPherson (@Keith_McPherson) July 3, 2024
Even if they wanted to change things up and have fans buy these jerseys, they could have at least done something to remind fans that the Texas Rangers are playing host to this year's All-Star Game. These uniforms do nothing to remind us of that.
Politics shmolitics, the real crisis looming over America is how bad the new MLB All-Star Game uniforms are. I mean sheesh.
— Velodus (@velodus) July 3, 2024
@MLB y'all can't be serious?
— 🏆💀⚾Bigtomk22⚾💀🏆 (@Bigtomk22YT) July 3, 2024
The All-Star Game uniforms should represent the city that they are in. Nothing about these says Texas at all.
They are hideous and look dirty when clean. Just go back to the actual team jerseys and hats with an All-Star logo on the side.
There needs to be more outrage about these uniforms. The color does sort of make them look dirty when they are, in fact, clean. The fact that these are the home uniforms too makes them even weirder.
The crime is @Nike is paid and paid well by @MLB to produce this nonsense. These look like the softball jerseys your friend got for the team at that "sports and trophy store" in the strip mall around the corner
— Peter Groff (@realpetercgroff) July 3, 2024
As long as MLB continues to profit, they will continue to come out with these brutal uniforms. Fortunately, MLB fans have little to no reason to buy monstrosities like these, and if they continue to make visually unappealing jerseys, we might go back to what we used to do in the All-Star Game when it comes to uniforms.
Perhaps MLB can redeem itself with the National League uniforms, but that's probably unlikely. It's a shame what has become of this event.