MLB Twitter drags Scott Boras for fumbling Blake Snell contract

Blake Snell wanted $270 million. The Yankees offered $150 million. He got $62 million. Scott Boras has some explaining to do.
Scott Boras
Scott Boras / Tommy Gilligan-USA TODAY Sports

Scott Boras has a reputation. Forget your team-friendly deals. Forget value signings. He's singularly focused on getting his clients max dollars. Scott Boras and big-money deals go hand-in-hand.

Well, that used to be Boras' reputation. Because his image is taking a hit in 2024.

Boras went into MLB free agency this year with big clients looking for a payday, including the so-called "Boras 4" of Blake Snell, Cody Bellinger, Jordan Montgomery and Matt Chapman.

All four ended up in prolonged stalemates with teams who weren't willing to pay them even close to what Boras was asking. Three of them have now signed contracts for less money with opt-outs that could essentially restart the process next year. Snell and Montgomery have missed just about all of spring training.

On Monday, Snell finally agreed to a two-year contract with the Giants with an opt-out after the first year. For a 31-year-old reigning Cy Young winner, that's a weak outcome, even if he got the +$30 million AAV he was looking for. A Cy Young season should get you some future financial security. Snell just settled for what amounts to a one-year show-me deal.

MLB Twitter had things to say about Boras' handling of the whole saga.

Best memes and tweets dragging Scott Boras over Blake Snell deal

It's not just about the money with Boras. It's about how these deals came about (or are still waiting to come about, in the case of Montgomery). Boras set up a scenario where his clients signed short-term deals with the hopes of cashing after opt-outs. But their preseason preparations were disrupted by the lengthy negotiating process. They're all off on the wrong foot heading into a season that matters even more when it comes to their financial future.

Will any players considering signing with Boras look at this offseason and change their minds about their potential agent? We'll see.

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