New York Giants fans reach new lows connecting Dak Prescott to the Big Apple

Dak Prescott showing up to Tight End University wearing a New York Yankees jersey caused quite a stir with two teams in the same division: The New York Giants and his very own Dallas Cowboys.
Dak Prescott, Dallas Cowboys
Dak Prescott, Dallas Cowboys / Richard Rodriguez/GettyImages

A lot of New York Yankees fans are New York Giants fans, but so are a lot of Dallas Cowboys fans... The holy triumvirate of bandwagoners often root for the Cowboys, Yankees and Los Angeles Lakers out of convenience, but mostly wanting to identify as a winner. Either way, Giants fans think Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott wearing a Yankees jersey to Tight End University means something is up.

Prescott, who is one of the quarterbacks throwing at Greg Olsen's camp in Nashville, is entering the last season of his four-year contract with Dallas. While teams like the Giants and the New York Jets seem to have some interest in him, odds are, he will end up playing for America's Team on a new contract. Otherwise, the Cowboys will be irrelevant, which is essentially hell for owner Jerry Jones.

The other big thing to know here besides Prescott is where he grew up. He hails from Shreveport originally, and Louisiana doesn't have a major league baseball team. As a child of the 90s, there is a chance Prescott grew up rooting for the Yankees. There are other quality teams in the region, but then again, this may have just been a fashion statement. It has nothing to do with the Giants at all...

See for yourself! Here is Prescott doing something no Yankee ever did. Sport a beard while in uniform.

I am also beyond certain he is not the first person to show up in Nashville wearing a Yankees jersey.

Dak Prescott in a New York Yankees jersey sends divisional shockwaves

If Prescott were to be wearing a New York Mets jersey, that probably would be even more newsworthy. I get that the Mets were pretty good when he was a kid, but oftentimes Mets fans are Jets fans are Brooklyn Nets fans. Go New York Islanders! If he was also wearing a Texas Rangers jersey, Dallas' team and the defending World Series champions, it would mean he was staying, right?

I think what this tells us is Giants fans reek of desperation. Even when healthy, Daniel Jones is a bottom-quarter quarterback in the league. Prescott has proven to be a top-12 passer more years than not since being drafted by Dallas in 2016 out of Mississippi State in the fourth round. New York reached on Jones at No. 6 overall in 2019, and look at how splendidly that pick turned out for them.

Overall, I think the best thing going for the Giants is that they actually won a playoff game two postseasons ago. They can convince themselves that last year was the anomaly and not Brian Daboll's first year on the job. If the Giants are competitive with or without Jones, Daboll and general manager Joe Schoen will get a fourth year on the job. If not, well, they will be picking in the top five...

Prescott is only going to the Giants if Jones and the Cowboys front office fall asleep at the wheel.

20 best quarterback seasons in NFL history. dark. Next. 20 best quarterback seasons in NFL history
