
The 2024 NWSL 2024 Kits: Every team's kit superlative award

The NWSL has released their 2024 kits in dramatic NWSL fashion, dropping a brand new home and away for all fourteen teams. Throwing it back to the ranking from last year, we’re giving out more superlatives to this year’s kits.
Photo Credit: Nike
Photo Credit: Nike | Photo Credit: Nike
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The NWSL has released their 2024 kits in dramatic NWSL fashion, dropping a brand new home and away for all 14 teams. The kit reset is the first time a professional women’s soccer league has ever gotten a league-wide refresh, made possible by the NWSL’s partnership with Nike. A notable omission from this reset is white shorts, which have been eliminated leaguewide in an ongoing effort for female athletes to feel more comfortable in their kits. 

This reset is the beginning of a new precedent in the NWSL. This year, the away kits are all of a similar ombre caliber, with teams to receive a new secondary kit next year in 2025. After that, primary and secondary kits will reset every two years, alternating so that teams get a new jersey every year. Nike kicks off this new era with the current reset, as the 14 current teams will wear the new 2024 home kits for 2024 and 2025, and then when the secondary kits reset next year, will wear those for 2025 and 2026, with everyone receiving a new home in 2026, on par with the timeline for when two new expansion teams will enter the league. 

For the sake of this opinion ranking, we will be focusing primarily on the home kits, as the secondaries are all of the same genre, with a few notable exceptions (I’m looking at you Washington Spirit). It’s sophomore year, and throwing it back to the ranking from last year, we’re giving out more superlatives to this year’s kits.

Most Likely to Win Jeopardy: Racing Louisville

Racing has high hopes for winning the season, and starting off in this kit is a great first step. Whereas sometimes patterns on kits can be distracting and overwhelming, Racing hits the target here with a sophisticated lavender and white diamond criss-cross that brings fans a piece of Louisville history. The ‘Winner’s Circle Kit’ has itself together, shows up prepared for every match, and always has the exact bit of information you need to come in clutch at trivia night. A Jeopardy win is totally in the bag for this jockey-inspired kit, which might feel a tad old-fashioned, but with just enough of a modern spin to be relevant to the 2024 kit conversation.