Power ranking every single sport at the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics

Thousands of athletes are heading to Paris to compete in the 2024 Summer Olympics, and we're ranking every single sport they're a part of—from the most entertaining to the most questionable.
2024 U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Track & Field - Day 2
2024 U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Track & Field - Day 2 / Patrick Smith/GettyImages
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9. Water Polo

Water polo is another one of those team sports that takes the spotlight at the Olympics. On its face, water polo is a strange sport, but it’s one of those that just works. Let’s take handball, but let’s make it where the athletes are up to their necks in water. None of the athletes can touch the bottom, but again, this sport works.

This sport is literally all endurance. Unlike other sports, there’s no downtime because even if someone isn’t in the play, they need to keep swimming to stay above water. Of course, that doesn’t add to the spectacle, but it is something to consider when judging the sport as a whole. These are incredible athletes. That’s why many believe water polo is the most difficult sport to play. 

At the Olympics, it has the thrilling nature of hockey in that things can change at a moment’s notice, but it’s just missing the speed. Offense can turn into defense with one mistake. It actually started as a water form of rugby, but centuries of changes have led to the game we know today. It was just too dangerous to bring the process of rugby and add the danger of drowning.

One specific rule drives the strategy of water polo. Only the goalkeeper can grab the ball with both hands. So, offensive players often take the wet pass approach, which is passing the ball inches in front of its intended target so that player can pick it up to make their next move. Plus, there’s a 30-second shot clock, which leads to more balls on goal. The rules really drive exciting play, and that’s why it tends to be essential viewing every four years.