Predicting the contract Klay Thompson signs this summer

Once an All-NBA star, Klay Thompson is in the twilight of his career and will likely part ways with the only franchise that he has called home.
Golden State Warriors v Orlando Magic
Golden State Warriors v Orlando Magic / Mike Ehrmann/GettyImages

After suffering a torn ACL in his left knee during the 2019 NBA Finals, the Golden State Warriors gave Klay Thompson a five-year maximum $189 million contract. In the next five years, Thompson would miss the entirety of the following season and the following one after with a torn right Achilles tendon during his rehab process.

Despite playing well enough and looking good enough on the stat sheet from 2022 to the midpart of 2023, it was clear that Thompson was not the same player that he used to be. Yes, no one is expecting a 34-year-old coming back from two extreme knee injuries to be as good as he used to be but it became clear last season that the Warriors would be better served with Thompson not in the starting lineup.

This season, Thompson averaged 17.9 points, 3.3 rebounds, and 2.3 assists per game on 43 percent shooting. At times, the now-reserve veteran looked completely washed and shot 0 for 10 in their season-ending play-in tournament loss to the Kings. Brandin Podziemski, one of the top rookies this season will likely start for the Warriors this season over Thompson (with whoever the trade return for Wiggins starting at the 3-spot).

With all of this complex information out of the way, it's worth wondering whether the Warriors will back up the Brink's trunk for Thompson this offseason.

Klay Thompson's free agency contract projection

Analysts around the league have Klay Thompson's value pegged around $23 to $27 million dollars per year with most teams willing to offer a two- or three-year deal. The Magic, who will likely get flamed out by Paul George and other top free agents, might choose to overpay for Thompson. Thompson has been linked to the Magic in the past and the franchise could reason with themselves that the second year of his contract could be used as expiring contract in a trade for a star.

With the roster getting expensive soon, the Magic are probably best served getting two solid free agents ($13 to $15 million each for their services) and landing a big name in Thompson. This contract might include a trade kicker but likely, the Magic won't care with his contract possibly expiring next offseason helping the team acquire a true star if Thompson continues his rapid decline.

Yes, the Warriors could end up offering a better deal to this but it's hard to see how loyalty gets the wing to accept a lower annual deal (in a state worse for tax purposes) and a role where he starts on the bench. With this in mind, Thompson likely ends up signing a two-year deal with the Magic this offseason.

Klay Thompson contract projection: 2 years | $60 million | Magic
