The Truth Is Out There: Raiders superstar claims team had a supernatural experience

If anybody is going to solve the mysteries of the universe in the NFL, it has to be Maxx Crosby.
Maxx Crosby, Las Vegas Raiders
Maxx Crosby, Las Vegas Raiders / Kevork Djansezian/GettyImages

I don't know if Tom DeLonge has a favorite NFL team, but he believes Aliens Exist, and will probably be contacting Las Vegas Raiders' superstar edge rusher Maxx Crosby in short order, if he hasn't already. Blasting above the angels and over the airwaves, Crosby mentioned to Jim Rome over on The X that the entire Raiders team saw an unidentified flying object during their flight back from Miami. Spooky!

We are living in the strangest times, man. People want to run this country with holes in their brains. Groceries are more expensive than paychecks sometimes. Now we've got Rome hosting his show over on The X talking to Crosby about aliens, dude. Ancient aliens, man! The fact my colleague Ian Levy lived next to the Ancient Aliens guy at Ithaca is more proof that Rome is Burning!

We all believe in different conspiracies, but you need to check out what Crosby had to say to Rome.

“It’s real. Like we were literally on a flight back from Miami, and we’ve seen a UFO with our own eyes. And that sounds crazy, but you can ask the pilots, anybody that was there. It was wild. And I seen it, and they had no idea what it was. There was nothing on the radar, nothing. And it was like a big shining light going in and out.”

While I may not be the biggest proponent of extraterrestrial life being out there, life, uh, finds a way. My three biggest conspiracy theories are Mattress Firm is a front to launder money, that landscapers use dozens of people with leaf blowers on a job to launder money from property owners on strictly cash transactions, and that this is definitely not the same Avril LaVigne who once sang Sk8er Boi.

Here is the clip from Friday's show in which Crosby told Rome that aliens do, in fact, exist, alright,

Ground Control to Major Tom (DeLonge). Take your protein pills and put your helmet on, brother!

Maxx Crosby knows that The Truth Is Out There ... somewhere, maybe?

Although I tend to believe aliens exist and that ghosts are real, as we have had too many accounts of similar things for them not to be, I suppose, there are other stupid conspiracy theories out there you don't need to waste my time on. People who don't think dinosaurs were real need to get their brains checked out. They may have had fur and feathers and stuff, but we have found so many bones, man.

On the contrary, have we found bones belonging to yetis, sasquatches, wookies or other vicious bipedal beasts? It is the same reason to doubt the existence of mermaids, dragons and thunderbirds. Enough people have dedicated their lives to digging in the dirt. They might exist on other planets, but not certainly on the one we call Earth. From here on out, I am only interested in what is real. That is it!

Overall, we are in the heart of the offseason in the NFL, so these sort of wacky, weird and wonderful musings begin to populate the internet. I am in favor of this because I, for one, work in the interesting/content business, and man, is this interesting? I may only be interested in what is real, but I am not going to lie, I do really dig the tunes of a fictional classic rock band from the 1970s quite a lot.

Like Stillwater once sang, you had to be there, as in on the Raiders' flight to know what is going on?!

dark. Next. Ranking the 30 greatest NFL teams we've ever seen. Ranking the 30 greatest NFL teams we've ever seen
