Scottish Women’s soccer league title set for tense finish again

Decisive matches are lined up for midweek and Sunday as the SWPL race reaches its final stages. Two sides have it all to play for to win the league title.
Celtic and Rangers Club Badges
Celtic and Rangers Club Badges / Visionhaus/GettyImages

Here we are again at the business end of the Scottish women’s soccer season when the silverware gets handed out. Last season was exceptionally tight going down to the last minutes of the final matches with three teams still in contention to take the Scottish Women's Premier League title. This season is still going to be pretty tense with two sides fighting to win.

At the weekend Celtic beat Partick Thistle 3-0. Rivals Rangers had a 1-0 win over last season's champions Glasgow City. Rangers win ended any last hopes City had of retaining their title.

Celtic are currently in top place, but equal on points with Rangers. They take the top spot by a superior goal difference of 15 over Rangers. Both sides have just two league games left to play. 

Two rounds of matches to go in women's soccer league title race

The first round of those crunch matches comes on Wednesday. Celtic are away to Hearts in Edinburgh and Rangers are also in the capital city that night to face Hibernian. It speaks very positively of women’s soccer that the two Glasgow rivals are scheduled to play in Edinburgh on the same evening. There's no way that’s a scenario we’d see with the men’s team's bitter fan rivalry.

The second round of matches is on Sunday afternoon. Celtic are at home to Hibernian as are Rangers to Patrick Thistle. With that 15-strong goal difference Celtic women know if they win their next two games, the title is theirs. Rangers might dream of catching up on that goal difference, but in reality, they will be hoping Celtic drop points and could yet be overtaken. 

To back their women’s side Celtic will play their last home match at the men’s stadium on Sunday. That worked well for them last season to build a bigger crowd and lively atmosphere to cheer the side on. Rangers haven’t yet made a switch in the same way and it’s likely to be too late to change now. 

Will that give an advantage to Celtic? We’ll have to wait and see. It looks like it could be Celtic’s title but a lot can change in football and wins don't come easily. Whatever happens in the league, Rangers will be looking to bag the Scottish Cup trophy, they play Hearts in the final on May 24 having knocked out Celtic in the semi-final.