3 non-star trades the Warriors can make to satisfy Steph Curry

The Golden State Warriors need to shake it up, and fast. Here are a few trades to boost the roster around Stephen Curry.
Clint Capela, Stephen Curry
Clint Capela, Stephen Curry / Todd Kirkland/GettyImages
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2. Warriors can trade for Nets' Royce O'Neale


A less flashy but potentially impactful trade could revolve around Brooklyn Nets wing Royce O'Neale. It's hard to gauge the exact nature of Brooklyn's long-term plans at the moment. The Nets don't own their picks, so there's no reason to tank, but the team clearly isn't good enough to contend. It's a conundrum. Either way, moving off Royce O'Neale's expiring contract for Gary Payton II — with an extra year on his deal — and a pick is good business.

For Golden State, it solves the long-term money equation. O'Neale is off the books in the summer if the front office desires it. On the court, he has been a starting-caliber wing for about half a decade now. His minutes are down in 2023-24, largely due to Brooklyn's wing glut, but O'Neale can absolutely impact the Warriors' title pursuit as a rangy defender who supplies valuable connective tissue on offense.

For the season, O'Neale is averaging 7.5 points, 4.6 rebounds, and 3.1 assists on .385/.371/.611 splits in 25.4 minutes. The 30-year-old's efficiency inside the arc has cratered since his move to Brooklyn, but O'Neale is a potent spot-up shooter with nifty passing chops. He can straight-line drive, pass on the move, and make fluid decisions in the flow of the offense. Golden State's system would suit him, as it does most selfless players.

Gary Payton has been hurt for the majority of the 2023-24 season, but he's still a dynamic defensive talent when healthy. The Nets get him with two years left on a team-friendly contract, plus a second-round pick to sweeten the pot. Brooklyn doesn't have Golden State's same financial concerns, so it's a savvy move.