YouTube On AppleTV Just Got A Lot Better (Video)


Improvements to the YouTube app for Apple TV should make a big difference to users, mostly because they can actually access good YouTube videos now.

In the past, the YouTube app on Apple TV was kind of like that off-brand cereal you can buy. Just like those frosted circle oats or whatever, you know you are mostly getting the same thing as you watch ripped off music videos or the videos of somebody watching a video on their TV, but something isn’t right. It’s close to the real thing, but deep down, you just feel cheated.

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YouTube cannot help you with your generic cereal, but they are offering improvements to the app on Apple TV. Now you will be able to access the full YouTube library, meaning you can see the actual videos from musical artists, television shows, and so on.

Considering how frustrating it can be to not have the ability to pull up the video everybody is talking about, this upgrade is not to be overlooked. This is a basic but much-needed upgrade to the YouTube app on Apple TV.

Here is a video explaining the much-needed upgrades that will improve YouTube on Apple TV in a significant way:

h/t Mashable

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