Representing anime fighters on their own at Evo 2016, Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator really turned up the heat.
Anime fighters, compared to other games at Evo, usually get a bad rap. The overall unfamiliarity for casual audiences means their complex systems might be hard to understand, or clash with fighting game sensibilities a Western audience turning into a stream once a year just doesn’t understand.
Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator, however, broke through to the mainstream today with a prime afternoon audience, showing off the rockin’ soundtrack paired with a quality roster that kept things engaged. You wouldn’t quite appreciate it fully if watching at home due to cutting crowd noise, but the quick turn of fates that Revelator brings kept things fun all the way to Grand Finals between Masahiro “Machabo” Tominaga and Omito Hashimoto.
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The all-Japan Grand Finals for Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator at Evo 2016 seemed to be a let down as Machabo was headed for a straight 3-0 victory. However, Omito never said never and continue to scrape through dropped burst combos and late-health-bar chip damage to bring the Grand Finals back to 2-2 and close to a bracket reset.
Machabo, despite being a round away from his first Evo 2016 loss, held things together to win Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator by a count of 3-2 in just one set. Omito, despite almost bringing the runback to a complete reversal of fates, finishes in second. H U “Rion” coming in third means Japan represents 1-2-3, similar to what Tekken 7 brought with South Korea on Saturday.
Concurrent viewership for Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator peaked at just over 133,000 on the main Twitch channel, marking a modest improvement from the largest total seen in Marvel vs Capcom 3. Mortal Kombat XL Finals were fairly impressive, too, indicating a slight growth in viewership as each event lines up.
Finally, Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator Dizzy was revealed to be making her return, coming to the game in a free (for a limited time) update starting tomorrow. Furthermore, patch 1.03 will be coming to the game starting today, rebalancing the entire roster of characters. Arc System Works certainly leveraged their time on the main stage to make some quality announcements while bringing a new audience onto their title.
Here are the Top 8 final results for Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator play at Evo 2016.
- Masahiro “Machabo” Tominaga
- Omito Hashimoto
- H U “Rion”
- Takahiro “Nakamura” Kitano
- Ryota “Kazunoko” Inoue
- (T-5)Kenichi Ogawa
- Kyohei “MarlinPie” Lehr
- (T-7) Yu “TopGaren” Gyungwoo
We’re 60% of the way through today, but the meat and potatoes of Evo 2016 are all that’s left. Super Smash Bros. Melee will tee up Street Fighter V Top 8 Evo 2016 Finals, the latter of which can be seen on ESPN 2 at 7 PM PDT tonight. All of Sunday’s action is coming to you live later from the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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