New York Mets coach Dan Warthen can not open the dugout phone to call the bullpen (GIF)
By Bryan Rose
I’ve been in a few Major League dugouts before and have opened the case that holds the bullpen phone once or twice.
It’s a very simple process. You unlatch the the hook or press the button, depending on how modern the plastic box is that the phone sits in.
Apparently, New York Mets pitching coach Dan Warthen isn’t good with latches. Or buttons. Or, well, anything as Warthen nearly ripped the phone off the wall in attempts to call down to the bullpen yesterday afternoon.
Mets starting pitcher Jon Niese was starting to run into some trouble in the top of the seventh inning yesterday against the Atlanta Braves which prompted the Mets dugout to get on a red alert. Rushing to the phone to get a few relievers up in the bullpen, Warthen went to open the dugout phone but as can be seen in the GIF below, it was secure as a bank vault. Or as secure as a bra the first time you tried to unhook one, since I’m sure most of you don’t really try to bust into bank vaults in your spare time.
Thankfully Warthen was eventually able to get the box open – though maybe next time just ask David Ortiz.
H/T Amazin Avenue