A few months back, somebody came across what was deemed to be nothing more than a mock up version of a Washington Huskies helmet.
It was incredibly gold and insanely reflective. But there was only one of them – likely made just for shiggles and ghits.
However, thanks to an observant user on Reddit, the Huskies might indeed be wearing the helmet this year as a collection of them have made their way someplace, I’m guessing the Washington Huskies athletic building.
The lids are reportedly made by the same company who helped assist Oregon with their chrome helmets, HGI (I guess Nike doesn’t do everything).
It looks like it’s very possible this blinding helmet might see some game action this year, especially considering the mass production we’re seeing. It’s doubtful they’re doing it to sell them, so the most obvious scenario would be to use them in a game.
The first picture is the newest find while the second picture is the one we learned about in July.