We all know that one person who likes football, but just can’t pick a favorite team.
It’s not that difficult but dammit, they just like to make things hard.
Thankfully, we have a fancy graphic that will help them once and for all settle on a team.
After some intense work from the folks at buzzfeed, we have this beautiful flowchart which will ask the unloyal fan a serious of questions which will help determine their should be favorite team. Pretty innovative, right? No? Well fine – it’s still fun.
For example – what would your favorite superpower be? Invincible? Great. Move on. Do you like beards? No? Okay, well, how about country music? Yes you say? Well are you a fan of Johnny Depp or pirates? Yes? Well that obviously, you’re a Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan.
Pretty simple math, no?
Okay, maybe it’s meant to be more based in fun than accuracy, but it’s quite entertaining and should be a good way to waste a few minutes of your day.