Yesterday the internet was taken ablaze by redesigned NFL logos and today, we have more of the same – well, sort of.
These aren’t exactly new, though, they clearly never received the attention they deserved because they’re pretty neat.
Somebody (‘Firefly’) on Chris Creamer’s SportsLogos.net forum decided they would take the logos of every major sports franchise in a particular city and mash them all together in one, really neat creation.
For example, the Pittsburgh logo features the likeness and distinctiveness of all three major teams, the Steelers, Pirates and Penguins.
The base logo is created by the Pittsburgh Penguins, which has the Steelers ‘stars’ down the stripe while the penguin wears the famed pirate hat often worn by the Pirates’ Jolly Roger.
Another, say for example, Houston, takes the base Texans logo, then places the Rockets’ orbiting ring around the steer with the Astros logo creating the eye of the Texans logo.
A few of these are outdated (like ‘New Jersey’) because this was concocted back in 2010, but even then, it’s still pretty sweet.

H/T Deadspin