Being a professional athlete has some pretty nice perks, like staying at five-star hotels. But there are a few hotels across the country that athletes try to avoid staying at, namely the Skirvin Hilton in Oklahoma City and the Pfister in Milwaukee.
There is another on that list as well, the Claremont Resort in Berkley where many teams playing in the Bay Area often stay.
One such team are the San Antonio Spurs, who after a recent trip to play the Golden State Warriors might be making accommodations elsewhere after multiple players report hearing a crying baby in the room of Jeff Ayres.
Ayres himself recalled hearing the odd noises and stated a handful of oddities that took place during his stay in the room – a sentiment that NBA icon Tim Duncan shared.
"“I heard a baby in his room. There was somebody or something in his room, yeah. I definitely heard something. It wasn’t creepy, because I assumed it was really somebody in the room, and they gave him the wrong room. But when they told me the story the next day about calling up there and no one in the room, it’s at that point you get chills. I totally agreed with him. There was a baby there, absolutely. I heard about the history of the place, and I’d rather not (stay there again).”"