This desk is a PC


With computers having essentially taken over every day life, it only makes sense that continuing to create ease of use products would make sense.  Taiwanese based company Lian Li seems to have done just that with their newest product.  Their two newest PC cases, the DK-01X and the DK-02 double as computer desks.

In principle, the desks having multiple functions allow for their to be a considerable amount of clutter cleaned up from the area surrounding the computer.  With the cases both being made from aluminum, the sturdiness and workability as desks should be respectable as well.

As far a technical specifications go, each of the cases have optical drive accessibility on the left side of them and a combination of USB 3.0 and audio ports on the right. The larger case also includes a total of 4 USB ports and audio ports on the left.

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Lian Li has made sure not to forget the desk portion of the cases either.  The keyboard trays are adjustable for multiple heights and on the side of the desk, there is a storage compartment for the keyboard or other gadgets that may need a space on the desk.  The heights of the desks are adjustable from 31.7 inches to 32.9 inches based on preference.

Each top layer on the cases is removable and made of tempered glass.  There are cooling fans also installed to make sure the climate is controlled for the computer components.

While the combination does provide an appealing situation, the price may deter some.  The cheaper model, the DK-01X is $989 while the DK-02X is $1,189.