Indianapolis Colts Long Snapper Writes ‘NYPD’ On Cleats (Photo)


Indianapolis Colts long snapper Matt Overton is showing his support for two slain NYPD officers on Sunday afternoon. 

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The violence between civilians and police officers is on the rise in a scary way in America but both both sides are getting support in big ways from professional athletes.

When Eric Garner was murdered by a psychotic police officer for absolutely no good reason, scores of professional athletes and citizens around the world but the murder of two police officers by a psychotic civilian has spurred similar support from those with a conscious.

Indianapolis Colts long snapper Matt Overton tweeted out his cleats before the game, in which he etched ‘NYPD’ in Sharpie on the side of his cleats.

This is in response to the murder of two police officers on Saturday afternoon by a deranged lunatic who was hijacking the current socio-political movement to qualm police brutality and used it as an instrument of terrorism.

Scores of those who protested the Eric Garner death have come out in support of the slain officers as violence is not the answer here. While the death of Eric Garner and Michael Brown were absolute violations of their human rights, so too was the execution of two officers who were doing nothing other than sitting in their squad car doing their jobs.

This doesn’t excuse the deaths of Garner or Brown but if you find yourself cheering the death of two innocent cops, then you have to go revaluate your humanity as all of these murders are resulting in families who are celebrating without loved ones this year.

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