John Cena sends LeBron James a nice little message (Video)


John Cena may actually be getting ready to challenge LeBron James to a match at WrestleMania 32 in Dallas, which might break the internet

There are a select few athletes walking the planet right now that you can classify as “polarizing,” and without a doubt WWE superstar John Cena and LeBron James are two of those athletes. Both of these men are loved and hated at the same time, to the point where you almost get sick of hearing their names.

So, that being said, what happens when you put these two together? What happens when one of these men call out the other? Well, we recently found out the answer to this, even though it was all in good fun.

Cena, in promoting his appearance in the movie “Trainwreck” in which LeBron appears also, cut a WWE-style promo on the biggest basketball superstar in the world and it was quite hilarious.

Now wouldn’t this be something? With WrestleMania 32 taking place in Dallas next spring where 100,000 people are expected to show up, could you even fathom what this match up would be like?

OK, yes, you can tell Cena was joking and there’s no way that LeBron will be at the biggest wrestling event of the year. But at the very least, it’s a nice thought to ponder.

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