Norris Cole has his own line of apparel. That was probably a sentence you didn’t expect to read today, and now you’ve read it twice. It’s true though. See?
Dayton come out and get your free #ColeBlooded30 T-shirts & Hats Thursday Aug 4th @KrocDayton!
— Norris Cole (@pg30_Cole) August 3, 2016
Norris Cole has his own line of apparel. That’s three. What can we do about this? Can he be stopped? Should he? Can maybe basketball players do what they want with their free time and effort, and if he wants to release #ColeBlooded30 apparel more power to him, and we should wish him the best since this doesn’t really detract from society in any meaningful way plus his #Peacewars charity event probably deserves more attention than this, and it’s healthy to have multiple pursuits, so good job Norris Cole; you do you?
That last sentence sounds like the right answer, but sometimes things that sound right are actually extremely wrong, so let’s assume that’s the case here.
Two of the articles depicted here have three X’s on it. Booze in old cartoons was often denoted with three X’s on a jug or bottle or barrel, so maybe Norris Cole is promoting unhealthy lifestyles and drinking habits. That wouldn’t be good.
Also, I know “Cole” is his last name so it may or may not be wordplay, but you can’t have Norris Cole in your blood. He wouldn’t fit. Maybe he meant “coal” instead, but having some of that in your veins there is also dangerous. The steps you would have to take to get it there aren’t simple either.
Also, what’s the deal with the number “30?” Sure it’s on his jersey, but you know where else “30” is? In some statistics talking about really bad things sometimes, so maybe it’s actually a reference to those bad things. Shameful.
Finally, there’s a picture of the state of Ohio on one of the hats. It doesn’t get much worse than Ohio.
In conclusion, Norris Cole has his own line of apparel.