New Zelda: Breath of the Wild footage focuses on food


Nintendo has released another glimpse at some gameplay footage for Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which focuses on what you’ll cook and eat.

Almost two months ago, Nintendo started a trend of releasing various gameplay clips of their new game, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, on multiple social media outlets, such as Twitter and Facebook. But other than some new screenshots last week, we haven’t seen much since.

But, on Tuesday, thanks to Nintendo of Europe’s Twitter account, we got a brand new look at some footage from the upcoming game that is currently in development. For the most part, we’ve seen just how beautiful the land of Hyrule looks, how Link will defeat certain enemies with his versatile combat skills, and even some of the dungeons that we’ll be exploring throughout the game.

In the new footage, we get a look at some of the food Link will be cooking up and eating. Check it out below:

Compared to other games in the series, where food already came prepared and each type of food served as a way to give you health, cooking and eating will be very different and essential in Breath of the Wild. A lot of the food you cook and eat will have an effect on your body.

For example, the food that stands out the most are the spicy peppers. If you venture into an area that has a very cold climate, you can eat some spicy peppers and your body temperate will rise, helping you withstand the cold weather.

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You can also mix and max certain foods, like mushrooms, truffles, and radishes, to cook up a dish to either eat right away or save for later. But there are some combinations of food that won’t work, turning into dubious food which is not edible and a waste of your resources.

Other than the cooking and eating,the video offers another glimpse at some combat and different areas we’ll be able to explore, which is extremely exciting to see. The wait is just getting longer and longer.