Twitter roasted the Edmonton Oilers after unveiling a nightmare cat as their first mascot.
The Edmonton Oilers used to be known as one of the few professional sports teams without an official mascot. On Sept. 26, everything changed as the Oilers unveiled their first ever mascot. How do you make a mascot for a team with the name “Oilers”? Apparently you just pick a cat from your worst nightmare and make it a reality.
Nothing like a psychotic cat to get fans pumped up for the big game. Actually, Hunter is technically a lynx. Also, Hunter is a really bad name for a mascot that will presumably be hanging around kids. Hunter even has a back story!
"Like my lynx family and friends, I only come out at night to hunt, and on one of those nights I actually came across a bunch of kids playing hockey on an outdoor rink. One look at the game and I was hooked"
That’s not scary at all. A lynx hunting for food at night comes across a bunch of kids playing hockey. How can you be sure hockey’s what got Hunter “hooked”? This back story is completely unrealistic and full of logical flaws. And if you’re trying to appeal to kids, why pick something they’ve probably seen in their nightmares?
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The name “Hunter” is actually a tribute to the first owner of the Edmonton Oilers, Bill Hunter. So that’s a nice touch. But why not just name the mascot Bill?
Hunter probably doesn’t even rank in the top 10 for worst mascots ever. That title still belongs to Dinger, of the Colorado Rockies. Leave it up to the Oilers to take a potential positive and turn it into something terrible.
Twitter roasted the Oilers pretty hard over this ordeal. Here are the best reactions.
Florida Panthers on line one. Florida Panthers on line one
— Dennis King (@DKingBH) September 26, 2016
he looks like Gary the No Trash Cougar.
— Tom's Random Stuff (@TomsRandomStuff) September 26, 2016
The Oilers made their mascot a lynx because that's what they'll be hitting in early April every year
— Winging It In Motown (@wingingitmotown) September 26, 2016
We hired Milan Lucic to keep this thing away from McDavid.
— Winging It In Motown (@wingingitmotown) September 26, 2016
The Oilers are hoping to return to the playoffs for the first time since 2006. Meanwhile, Oilers fans are hoping Hunter doesn’t eat them alive.