You are not the only one trying to figure out how to use Sombra correctly. The pros are doing it too.
Right now, professional Overwatch players are participating in the APEX tournament. It just so happened that Blizzard’s newest patch brought Sombra right into the middle of it.
As you could expect, pros have not been as keen as we have to jump into playing Sombra. The newness of Sombra has not allowed professional teams to develop effective strategies incorporating her yet. No doubt she will feature heavily in pro play one day, but not now.
Incomplete team strategy, however, has not deterred everyone. Lunatic Hai’s Esca decided that he would be the first to try out Sombra in a professional match against Mighty Storm. Fans watching the match roared with approval when they saw that Esca was going to make an actual go of it. And the results?
As you can see, not great. Esca first used Sombra’s invisibility to try to get to the high ground, somehow avoiding all incoming damage to stay in stealth.
Then the camera pans away from Esca to focus on the main action. By the time we come back, Sombra is snoozing away courtesy of a sleep dart from Mighty Storm’s Ana. Sombra is about to get up when Ana follows up with two more direct hits, a biotic grenade, and the kill.
The camera then gives us Esca’s reaction: a sheepish grin.
Next: New Overwatch update is live, Sombra is here
While we were not able to see the true power of Sombra in this instance, her capabilities could very well make her a popular pick for professional teams in the future. Her invisibility is perfect for dashing behind enemy lines to take out supports. Her EMP knocks out shielding, which could be deadly when paired with other ultimates. Her hacking could also allow her to tag team with a teammate to easily take out members of the opposition.
No doubt about it, we are looking forward to future booping in the pros.