New Destiny 2 teaser Last Call released

Still from Destiny 2 "Last Call" teaser; image courtesy of PlayStation.
Still from Destiny 2 "Last Call" teaser; image courtesy of PlayStation.

Calling all Destiny fans. It’s time to get on board of the hype train now that a new teaser trailer has been released for Destiny 2.

On Monday, Bungie officially announced Destiny 2. It wasn’t like it was a secret or anything, but it’s really happening. We’ve been critical of the first game, but we definitely want this game to succeed. A game like this has a ton of potential and if they do things right this time, it may be a fantastic experience.

The new teaser trailer, “Last Call,” doesn’t show much. We won’t brag about it and say that we told you so. However, we did predict this would happen in another post.

We were wrong about one thing, though, and that’s the reveal. It has been confirmed that on Thursday, March 30, we’ll be getting a worldwide reveal for Destiny 2. We’re thinking it’ll be another cinematic trailer that highlights the story and we’ll catch some glimpses of gameplay. Like we said, we’ll probably see extensive gameplay footage at E3 2017, so we may be right about that as well.

For now, if you’re into this kind of stuff, then you’ll enjoy this teaser trailer. Check out “Last Call” below:

There are plenty of things we want to see in the sequel. For one, an actual story. Please Bungie, we don’t want to log onto your website just to learn about the story. If we can get an actual story with great cut scenes and interesting lore, that would be great. Also, the visuals.

The visuals were great in the first game, but we’re expecting them to kick it up a notch in the sequel. Overall, we want a fully immersive world with true open-world elements, a bunch of content, and variety on all fronts, such as missions, armor, and weapons. Is that too much to ask for?

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This is only a rumor, but Destiny 2 is set to launch sometime this Fall.