WWE WrestleMania 33 Preview: RAW Tag Team Title match


A preview of the WWE RAW Tag Team Championship match taking place at WrestleMania 33 on Sunday

WrestleMania 33 is an incredibly stacked card, and it’s hard to find any gaps where you could take a bathroom break. That’s tough considering the entire event may be well over five hours long. We’re here to convince you of one specific match you will have to hold it in for, and watch through its entirety: the Triple Threat RAW Tag Team Championship match. This match features Enzo & Cass, who have been the most electric tag team since their debut the night after WrestleMania 32, yet haven’t held the gold yet.

Then there’s Sheamus & Cesaro, Mick Foley’s proudest creation this side of Mr. Socko. These guys had a fun best-of-7 series awhile back, and built a serious chemistry that culminated in taking out an entire bar room of drunkards by themselves.

Then, of course, there are the champs, Gallows & Anderson. They have barely been booked correctly, if at all, since their WWE debuts. Yet somehow, they are the current RAW Tag Team Champions, despite having jobbed out to Roman Reigns twice just last month, and being involved in the worst segment in recent history, which involved three men called The Old Day. Yikes. Okay, back to convincing you why you need to see this match:

How Did We Get Here?

It took a team 478 days to end the record-setting reign of the New Day, when Sheamus and Cesaro defeated them for the RAW Tag Team Championship at Roadblock: End of the Line. Their reign did not last even close to that of the New Day, as Anderson & Gallows defeated them just over a month later. To add insult to injury — however, I’m not sure which team it’s more insulting to — this was during the Royal Rumble Kickoff Show. This was odd to me, as there had only been one change of the Tag Team Championships for the past year and a half, and it happened at Roadblock.

The Royal Rumble was the very next PPV, which means Sheamus and Cesaro were rewarded for breaking the New Day’s streak by not even being allowed to defend the belts on the actual show, but instead while people were still in line for beer and popcorn.

These three teams have been featured in different variations of matches over the last few weeks, so it was obvious that the only way to settle who deserves to be the top team once and for all would be a Triple Threat Tag Team match on the biggest stage of them all. It seems that, while Sheamus & Cesaro and Enzo & Cass are not allies, they do have a common enemy in Gallows & Anderson, so one thing to keep an eye out for is whether this will lead to those two teams forming a bond during the match, or if it all will go out the window.

Just this past Monday, Gallows & Anderson attacked Sheamus & Cesaro from behind, eventually knocking them down via a swift ladder to the guts. The ladder was used again to even the odds, as Sheamus & Cesaro hit Gallows & Anderson from behind, as they were getting ready to charge to the ring to interrupt an Enzo & Cass promo. This match doesn’t need to have ladders involved to be exciting, but I promise I’m not going to complain when Enzo leaps off the top of one.

What To Expect

Since becoming RAW Tag Team Champions, Gallows & Anderson have yet to be pushed to their limits, unable to convince anyone that they actually deserve the belts. Sheamus & Cesaro have become a fun, unorthodox team, with chemistry unlike any other team I can remember. They’ve had to build in-ring chemistry together before our eyes, unlike the other two teams in this match who were put on our TV screens with an already established chemistry.

Every team will get some big shots in, and I can see a huge bump — hopefully a safe one — being taken by Enzo. I could see Gallows & Anderson getting teamed up on by both other teams, since Enzo & Cass are faces, and Cesaro has his own fan section. There is nothing redeemable or likable about Gallows & Anderson, and after the carnage they unleashed on the two teams on Monday night, not to mention the fact that they are the current champs, they will have the biggest targets on their backs right from the get-go.

If this match does start off as a 4-on-2 handicap match, I won’t feel like we were missing out if Gallows & Anderson spent the remaining 2/3 of the match knocked out cold in the corner. I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking that, which is probably not what you want to hear from people regarding your current champions.

Predicted Winners

When you think about the competitors in this match, it’s pretty obvious who the favorite should be. Cesaro & Sheamus, while being a unique tag team, and featured in the history books next to New Day’s name, will inevitably break up. That’d be best for business. I would say that people would be happier with them getting the belts than Gallows & Anderson, who are entering month three as champs, and the only memorable moments they have made are considered duds. These guys don’t need gold to be relevant — they need AJ Styles, or at least Finn Balor.

Next: Best match from every WrestleMania in history

My pick, not just because the other two teams aren’t as worthy, but because they genuinely deserve it for lighting a fire in the RAW Tag Team Division for the past year, is Enzo & Big Cass. Can you imagine the merchandise they’d sell if they were champs? Imagine if they changed the belts entirely? Who wouldn’t want a leopard printed gold belt? Would they just forge the belt into two gold suspenders that hold up Enzo’s pants? Would Enzo get a face tattoo that says Certified G(old)? The opportunities are endless!

Seeing their arms raised could be the biggest pop of the night — and you Can’t. Teach. That.