Spider-Man game rumored to released later this year

Still from Spider-Man E3 2016 teaser trailer; image courtesy of Marvel Entertainment.
Still from Spider-Man E3 2016 teaser trailer; image courtesy of Marvel Entertainment. /

It looks like Insomniac’s Spider-Man game is targeting a 2017 release date. From what we’ve seen, the game looks fantastic, so we’re excited.

So far, 2017 has been a phenomenal year for the gaming industry. In the first three months alone, we’ve gotten games like Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Breath of the Wild and Mass Effect: Andromeda. We still have plenty of other games that we’re looking forward to, like Persona 5 and Insomniac’s next project, Spider-Man. The game premiered at E3 2016.

In a stream found on reddit, we see vice president of Marvel Digital Media, Ryan Penagos, state that the game will be coming this year. We aren’t sure where he is getting this information. As of right now, it’s still a huge rumor. Considering his position, we’re leaning toward believing him, though.

We sure hope that the game is releasing this year. This would be one of the many games that Marvel is working on/ releasing. The first one to look forward to in the immediate future is Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series. This’ll premiere in a few weeks, which is great.

Square Enix also struck a deal with Marvel. Their first game will be The Avengers Project, but they have many other ideas that they’re working on. We’ve even heard rumblings of another Guardians of the Galaxy game.

Marvel is on an absolute tear right now. However, if there’s one area that they’ve struggled for the past couple of years, it’s the gaming realm. They’re looking to change that. It also helps that they’re giving developers the freedom to craft the stories and create the games.

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For example, with Spider-Man, we trust develop Insomniac Games to create something special, but they do need full creative control. Good thing Marvel has granted them this. Insomniac Games has been responsible for some of our favorite games ever. We’re sure they’ll be able to deliver a fun and unique experience with their Spider-Man game.