New York Knicks – Become who you were meant to be
While the Pacers being fun has been fun, the Knicks being fun feels weird. I don’t like it. It feels like a lie somehow. A scam. Some sort of Latvian white collar criminal’s attempt to pull the veil on all of us unsuspecting NBA Twitter public. To what end? I don’t know. For what reason? Probably a J.D. and the Straight Shot booking in cities across Eastern Europe and a tour bus filled with overpriced cigars. Krakow is nice. Warsaw is fine.
But yeah. I think I see that fiction starting to break down. The first cracks showed at the beginning of December when they capped a 2-6 run with a loss against the Bulls. I don’t care if they’re the unstoppaBulls now. They weren’t there yet.
Let’s be frank, though. You really can’t expect too much from a team that plays Michael Beasley 17 minutes a game. Until he changes his number to “11%” I’m not going to respect him as a player. They play him more per game than Kyle O’Quinn for gosh darn’s sake! Kyle O’Quinn is the best! How can you look at him and then Beasley and decide the right thing to do is say “no” to this face?
You have to be a monster, basically. A monster or white-collar criminal trying to rain despair on the surrounding world. The real Knicks are terrible, and they just need to hurry up and get back to normal.