What exactly was Dennis Schroder thinking, and other lowlights

PHOENIX, AZ - JANUARY 2: Dennis Schroder
PHOENIX, AZ - JANUARY 2: Dennis Schroder

Buckle up, as we are wont to say, for a brand new episode of Fastbreak Breakfast. We overcome numerous recording obstacles (ok, it was just one) to bring you our favorite moments from the last week in the NBA. So grab your favorite pastry and listen, and unlike Dennis Schroder’s final play against the Suns on Wednesday night, you’ll have no regrets.


  • 5:40 What resolutions did Jon’s girlfriend assign to him?
  • 9:30 How taking the long view with the Thunder has paid off
  • 11:00 Detailing the numerous ways we were wrong about the Rockets and James Harden
  • 19:00 Is there a scenario as Grizzlies fans where we would support Mike Conley and Marc Gasol being moved to another team just to see them experience more on court success?
  • 27:20 Was Manu Ginobili’s accidental 3-pointer the highlight of the season? Should the referees be afforded some slack for failing to notice that the ball went through the basket?
  • 31:00 Once more unto the breach: How good is Andrew Wiggins actually?

And finally, how does one reconcile this Schroder play

with this one?

All Fastbreak Breakfast episodes are also available for download on iTunes and Soundcloud.

Original music provided by Codaphonic

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Next: Which NBA teams will keep their resolutions?

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