NBA Powerless Rankings: What to do with your free time

3. Go somewhere on the internet where no one knows you and you can complain a whole lot
Sometimes when being around people I know isn’t working, I go somewhere on the internet where no one knows me, and I complain a whole lot. It’s hard to say if it helps, but it definitely happens.
The complaining doesn’t even have to be basketball related. Basketball might be the driving force behind the complaints, but don’t limit yourself! If you search just a little bit, you can find people complaining about basically everything. Politics, pets, the existence of children – if it exists, someone hates it.
You exist, and you can be one of those people too! If there’s one thing complainers don’t complain about (much) it’s the other people complaining alongside them in the same way. A mob mentality might be generally considered ungreat, but when a mob all moves in one direction I think it’s different. It’s got direction; you’re riding a wave.
And that’s fun! It’s surfing on your own sense of self-importance! Can you imagine anything more fulfilling? Why not do that every moment of every day for a while?
Sure some people might consider this a regression from our initial act of mourning, but I’d like to complain about those people for a while. Aren’t people who tell you you’re regressing emotionally just the worse? It’s like “Oh, look at me. I’m so mature and in charge of myself. I’ve never once thrown a shoe at a television because I didn’t like the numbers I saw next to the team names. I’m so wonderful. I’m such a great example to everyone else in the world. Look at me sionfisnufibsfFAUIFBABFABSOIbo.”
I feel better now, and so can you!