5 WWE feuds to revitalize Roman Reigns’ career
1. Bobby Lashley
The WWE really wants us to care about Bobby Lashley. Unfortunately they’ve given us no reason to do so since his return. An old-school feud with Roman Reigns could do a lot for both parties.
This potential program should feature as little mic work for both men as possible. Neither is an excellent promo on their own. Neither star is good enough to carry a mic battle with the other.
What both men can do is put in really physical work in the ring. WWE could follow the excellent blueprint they created with Reigns’ long feud with Braun Strowman. The highlights of that program were all really intense physical spots. Lashley and Reigns could provide fans with the same sort of work.
Another key for the WWE here would be to avoid the temptation of making this a pure baby face vs. heel program. Each of these characters can play on the edges more than that. Let them both try to look hard against one another and let fans choose who they want to cheer for. This isn’t a feud that needs a true hero and villain.
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The WWE has a lot of choices to make about Roman Reigns, but a physical feud with Bobby Lashley would be a great next step to gain him credibility on RAW.