Fortnite Friday: Week 7 battle pass challenges, NFL skins and the insane cube event

Credit: Epic Games
Credit: Epic Games

Fortnite Friday is a weekly review of what is going on in the world of Fortnite. We cover the battle pass challenges, new game modes and any updated information you need to know.

Fortnite Friday is a weekly column covering everything happening around the popular 100-person multiplayer showdown game, Fortnite: Battle Royale. Hopefully, you were in-game for the crazy cube event on Sunday because it was fantastic.

If not, we’ve got you covered. Say what you will about the cube explosion, but there is not another game out there producing live, in-game events like Fortnite. To have a story line in a multiplayer battle royale game is impressive, to keep us entertained with these types of events is just next-level incredible.

Before we cover the event, let’s get caught up on this week’s battle pass challenges.

Free challenges

  • Search 7 ammo boxes in a single match (0/7)
  • Deal headshot damage to opponents (0/500)
  • Stage 1: Deal damage to opponents in a single match (0/300)
    • Deal damage to opponents in a single match (0/400)
    • Deal damage to opponents in a single match (0/500)

    The free challenges this week are far more difficult than the battle pass ones. Dealing headshot damage is going to be tricky for those who have trouble aiming. If you can’t use a sniper rifle, your best bet is to get up close with a shotgun.

    Dealing 300-500 damage to opponents in a single match won’t be too difficult if you can manage a few eliminations. Play squads for a better chance at completing this challenge, as you can be revived if knocked.

    Battle pass challenges

    • Stage 1: Destroy trees (0/50)
      • Stage 2: Destroy rocks (0/25)
      • Stage 3: Destroy cars (0/10)
    • Skydive through floating rings (0/20)
    • Stage 1: Consume 5 apples (0/5)
      • Consume bandages (0/60)
      • Consume med kits (0/100)
      • Consume slurp juice (0/50)
      • Eliminate opponents in Pleasant Park (0/3)
      • As if the skydive challenge wasn’t fun and easy enough in previous seasons, they’ve made it even easier to complete this season. The rings are now lined up for you to hit four per drop. Was anyone complaining about this? Or perhaps Epic is just trying to have us all land in the same locations.

        Destroying trees/rocks/cars is simple. The only downside to this is that most players are used to leaving 50 hp on the trees to avoid giving away their location. You’ll have to give the trees an extra swing this week, until you hit 50, that is.

        The battle pass challenges this week are relatively simple. Consuming and destroying are both time-killer tasks and not hard to complete. Keep in mind the consumption after apples refers to hp, not total. They aren’t asking you to use 60 individual bandages, obviously. The only real challenge here is Pleasant Park eliminations, which we’ve seen just about every season.

        The cube event

        If you weren’t online Sunday afternoon then you likely missed the end of Fortnitemares and the magical cube event that transported us all to a different dimension… or something. It was actually pretty amazing.

        The servers were obviously packed during/after the event. There’s a good chance that you may have been on, but in queue while it was happening (or shortly after, like us after getting booted from the lobby). Have no fear, here is what you missed:

        Who knows what is coming next, but the entire comet/visitor/rift/cube/Kevin saga was incredible and I can’t wait to see what Epic Games has in store for us next.

        Update v6.22 patch notes, LTMs and news

        Heavy assault rifle: The new heavy AR is a beast. It packs a brutal punch, delivering 44 base damage and comes in rare, epic and legendary form. The weapon fires slowly and demands accuracy, but when you connect, it’s deadly.

        Blitz LTM: The Blitz LTM is back. If you find the games too long or if you are short on time, Blitz is a sped up version of Fortnite with more loot and a faster, more powerful storm.

        Team Terror LTM: For those of you who loved mowing down zombies during the Fortnitemares week, Epic has created a LTM for your fun to continue. Team Terror splits the group into two teams of 32 with the goal to be the last team standing. You’ll have to deal with an increased number of cube monsters as you loot your side of the map and head to battle.

        Here are the full patch notes from update v6.22.

        Epic has also announced a partnership with the NFL that will allow players to purchase fully customizable NFL skins, starting today, in the item shop. Here is all of the info you’ll need on that.

        Elimination of the week

        This week’s EOTW puts into perspective how good some of the professional streamers are at this game. We’ve got a ways to go, fellow regular folk (courtesy of @obeygorb)

        If you come across anything we might have missed or have any ideas on what should be included in these posts in the future, hit me on Twitter @TheRealBruin. Until next week!