5 things we want to see in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild sequel

Photo by Chesnot/Getty Images
Photo by Chesnot/Getty Images
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After seeing the teaser trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild sequel, there are many questions and wants.

One of the highlights of E3 2019 was Nintendo’s surprise reveal of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild sequel. The surprising factor isn’t a new Zelda game, but how the new game will be a sequel. That isn’t entirely uncommon in the Zelda universe since most games are just different reincarnations of Link. But, this seems like it’ll be in the same world with the same characters.

Although we aren’t sure how long it has been since the events of the first game, we’re also assuming there isn’t much of a gap, which is also interesting. There’s a lot to dissect from the very first teaser trailer. It also leaves a ton of room for speculation for fans who obviously want to see certain things included in this entry.

With that being said, here are five things we would love to see in this game.

5. New things to do in Hyrule

One of the ways Breath of the Wild changed the conventions of the series was by creating a seemingly endless world. In the world of Hyrule, at least in Breath of the Wild, the player had complete freedom to do as they please, unlike other games where there’s a specific structure. Literally, if you wanted to go straight to Hyrule Castle and defeat Calamity Ganon, you could.

But, if you truly wanted to enjoy the world, then there was plenty to do. For example, there was a ton of exploration, such as completing side missions and encountering a number of interesting NPC’s. There was also completing the Shrines, which are puzzles inside of mini dungeons, defeating the Divine Beasts, and fighting different challenging enemies and mini-bosses, such as the Lynel’s and Stone Talus’.

That being said, there’s plenty more that could be done in this world. There were plenty of hidden locations to be found, so we would love more of that. Maybe new enemies to fight as well, along with different puzzles scattered across the world. But, in reality, we want Nintendo to surprise us with something entirely new. We’re sure they will.